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Quick start for system integrators: initial configuration step by step


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Step 1:

Create rights in the Rights Management Module.

Step 2:

In the Setup module Create group hierarchies.

Step 3:

In the Setup module, import components, form groups and locate them on the building plan.

For special components, import PRT files as device protocols if necessary, see Module Setup / Device Protocols tab.

Step 4:

Create switching sequences in the setup module.

Note: If there are no components yet, a few placeholder components should be created manually so that the switching sequences can be prepared. These can be deleted later once the real components are in the system.

If applicable. Create component types to switch them differently.

Step 5:

In the Time Control module Schedules configure for automatic switching on and off of components and groups.

Step 6:

Create a simple Dashboard in the Dashboard module, e.g. B. with buttons for switching individual groups or the entire installation on and off.

The URL of the dashboard can also be inserted as a new app on the homepage via the gear.

Step 7:

Use the Script Blocks module to script special processes.