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This page has been automatically translated and has not been reviewed in detail yet. Therefore, the translation might not be completely accurate.

In productive operation, a component can have a neuroomNet log entry created. The Component API Server automatically fills in the missing values such as the unique identifier of the component.

"command": "Log",
"args": \["1", "2", "3"\],
"code": "BROKEN",
"level": "Warning",
"message": "That's not how it works!"

Encoding String: Log<TAB>level<TAB>Warning<TAB>code<TAB>BROKEN<TAB>message<TAB>That's not how it works!<TAB>args<TAB>\["1", "2", "3"\]

Note: note that the texts in message and args cannot contain tabs.

The argument list args is optional and always a list of strings. For level the usual neuroomNet values Critical, Debug, Error, Info, Trace and Warning are permitted.